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Witnesses, numbered from to , have made their testimonies in a court. Each testimony is a statement of the form: “the -th witness agrees with the -th witness” or “the -th witness does not agree with the -th witness”.
If the -th witness agrees with the -th witness then he agrees also with all the witnesses that the -th witness agrees with. Similarly, the -th witness does not agree with all the witnesses that the -th witness does not agree with. We assume that every witness implicitly states: “I agree with myself”.
We say that witness is not credible if from testimonies made in a court it follows that there exists a witness such that agrees with and does not agree with .
Write a program that:
In the first line of the standard input there is a single integer , , which is the number of witnesses. In the second line there is a single integer , , which is the number of testimonies.
In each of the following lines there are two integers (, ), separated by a single space. If is positive it describes a testimony: “the -th witness agrees with the -th witness”. If is negative it means: “the -th witness does not agree with the -th witness”.
In the standard output there should be written:
For the input data:
6 12 1 3 1 6 2 -1 3 4 4 1 4 -2 4 5 5 -1 5 -3 5 2 6 5 6 4
the correct result is:
1 3 4 6
Task author: Grzegorz Jakacki.